Midterm Exam

Midterm Take Home Exam
Name: Evan Brown
Date: 10/13/16

1. Your camera tells you that 1/125 @ F11 is the correct exposure.  List two other exposures that would allow you to bracket around this reading.   (1/250 @ F11 , 1/60 @ F11)

2. Fill in the intermittent apertures.
    F2, (F2.8, F4, F4.5, F5.6, F6.7, F8, F9.5, F11, F13, F16, F19) F22

3.  Fill in the intermittent shutter speeds.
   1sec  (7/10, 1/2, 3/10, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/15, 1/20, 1/30, 1/45,  1/60, 1/90, 1/125, 1/180, 1/250, 1/350, 1/500, 1/750) 1/1000 sec

4. F22 would produce a shallower depth of field than F8.  T   (F)

5. While photographing a scene, the camera shows that 1/250 @ F16 will produce a correct exposure.
    Give two equivalent exposures for this reading.  (1/125 @ F22 , 1/500 @ F11)

6.  Which shutter speed would best stop a car moving across the frame.  A) 1/1000 sec  B) 1/30 sec              C) 1/4000 sec  D)  1/60 sec (but 1/1000 might be enough, depends on speed of car)  

7. Dodging is the global adjustment that will darken areas of your image.  T or (F)

8.An ISO rating of 400 is more sensitive to light than 800.  T  (F)

9. What is the difference between global and local adjustments? 
(Global adjustments take place on the whole image, where as local adjustments take place only to the portion of the image you select.)

10.How many mega pixels you need to make a 8x12 print at 360 ppi?  (12.5MP)

11. Name two tools in Photoshop you can use to adjust the density (brightness) of your image.  (brightness/contrast adjustment layer, levels adjustment layer)

12. Name three tools you can use in Photoshop to change the color of your image.  (Hue/saturation adjustment layer, Color Replacement Tool, brush)

13. What is the best file type to use when emailing or posting pictures to the web?  (JPEG)

14. What is the advantage of using adjustment layers?  (They have built in layer masks, which make it easy to adjust what part of the image the layer effects. They also allow you to easily go back to them and make adjustments at anytime.)

15. What color workspace is best used when editing photographs? (sRGB)

16. (Histogram) is a graphic representation of your image and can also be used to judge for correct exposure.

17. Name two tools in Camera Raw you can use to change the density of your image.  (highlights/shadows, blacks/whites, contrast)

18. Name two tools in Camera Raw you can use to change the color of your image.  (white balance: temperature & tint, saturation, vibrance)

19. What is exposing to the right and what is its advantage.
(This is when you purposely shoot an image slightly over exposed and then darken it in post processing. The advantages to doing this is that it will decrease image noise, create richer colors, and a greater dynamic range.)

20. Draw a basic histogram for an underexposed image.

21.Draw a basic histogram for an overexposed image.

22.Draw a basic histogram for a correctly exposed image.

23.What is the best file to use as a layered working file in Photoshop?  (PSD)

24. Name two advantages of having a larger digital sensor. (Higher Resolution, improved low-light performance)

25. Pixels of unrelated color and/or brightness to surrounding pixels are known as (noise)

26. Name two factors that would cause noise.  (large ISO number, applying to much clarity in the RAW editor or sharpening the image to much.)

27. In camera raw what is the difference between the Vibrance controls and the Saturation controls. (Saturation uniformly bumps up the intensity of all colors in the image, saturation increases the intensity of only the muted colors and leaves the well saturated colors alone.)

28.Images made of pixels are known as vector based images.  T or (F)

29.Name two tools you can use to retouch a photograph.  (Clone Stamp tool, Spot healing brush tool)

30. Name three tools you can use to make a selection.  (Lasso tool, Magic Wand tool, Pen tool)

31.Name two tools in Camera Raw can you use to adjust a particular area of an image.  (shadows and highlights, this allows you to manipulate just the shadow and highlight areas in the image.)

32. When editing an image what does the term “clipping” mean.  i.e. highlight clipping. (This refers to the area of an image where the intensity falls outside the minimum and maximum intensity that can be represented.)

33.Name two advantages to shooting with a raw file.  (The image is not destructive, its raw data itself, another reason is that you have more control in post processing, finer control of the exposure for example.)

34.What software is best used to get the images from your camera onto your computer?  (Bridge is an easy way to manage your images.)

35. What is the best way to erase areas in an image?  (Its really up to the situation, there are lots of ways to do it. The safest way though is to use a layer mask. Layer mask doesn’t damage the original image and allows for changes to be made easily.)

36. Name two controls in Camera Raw used to recover image detail.  (exposure, clarity)

Bonus  +1 each

1.What year was the first digital camera produced?  (1975)

2.What is the temperature scale used to measure color temperature in photography?  (Kelvin)

3.What president is on the $100 bill?  (There is no president on the $100 bill, founding father Benjamin Franklin is on it.)

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