Creative Assignment 2

This first piece is a photo of my dad with his semi after a day of work. He hauls gas and diesel fuel. The idea for this piece came to me when I was just looking at the original photo of my dad. I began to think about how dangerous his job really is. He is potentially hauling a bomb 65mph down the interstate. So with this photo I was playing with that idea, of how dangerous it is to drive a tanker. Now switching over to more conceptual thinking. The hidden concept deeper in the work is the interesting fact that people tend to be fascinated with tragedy, accidents, etc. Whether its people turning their heads and slowing down to see a crash on the side of the road, or its someone going to the movies or reading a book that is tragic. By having this man obviously posed by his truck with a casual and calm look it brings a sense of a calm environment to the photo. Then adding the explosion into the scene brings a sense of excitement, and also creates a surreal photo. It is surreal because a huge explosion is happening yet the man is posed and calm in the photo. In order to create this photo I used an environment portrait previously taken, photos of an aluminum can that I cut and twisted, and a couple photos of explosions from the Internet.

 This second piece is a photo of my preacher. I took the original photo thinking I would get a nice extreme perspective angle. Creating a hero like shot. The lighting also worked out nicely allowing the church and Todd to be well lit in the scene. As I looked at the original photo I couldn’t help but to notice how religious it looked. It gave off this feeling that he was looking up to God, and that God was shining down on him and the church. So I ran with that and tried to push it to be more conceptual. I began to think about how the church is in a sense an oasis in the world, it’s a safe zone where the evils of the world can not reach you. So with that in mind I decided to place a glass globe over the church, and to create a dark mysterious night sky to help show this idea of an evil outside world, and of this idea of the church being a safe zone. I created this piece by combining my knowledge of three different programs. I created the dome in solidworks and then rendered it in keyshot. After doing that I dropped it into photoshop where I further manipulated the image to make exactly what I wanted. I tried to focus on making sure the details where subtle but there. Things like the moons reflection on the glass dome, and the refraction of the sky through the dome add nice details to really sell the image.   

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